"Not Fun" Seasons


Do you and your spouse barely tolerate each other at times? How would you define your current season of marriage?  Survival mode?  Walking on eggshells?  Fight or flight?  Are you putting up with each other just to avoid another argument?

If you have been married for any length of time, you have undoubtedly found yourself confronting each of these seasons at differing times.  It is never fun, is it?

If you are in one of those “not fun” seasons with your spouse, I want to encourage you with this:

  • Jesus Cares.

    Jesus not only cares about your marriage but you as well!  Go to Him for comfort, encouragement, and hope when things feel bleak (1 Peter 5:7).

  • Jesus Sees.

    Everything is laid bare before the Lord, and nothing is hidden from His sight.  So, submit yourself and your relationship to Him and allow Him to carry you through this difficult season mercifully (Psalm 34:15-19).

  • Jesus Knows.

    Jesus knows your situation inside and out.  As His beloved child, He is working all things together for your good even when you cannot see or recognize it (Romans 8:28).

I know these seasons feel like they are never-ending, and “the light at the end of the tunnel” feels like a hallucination.  But take heart!  You will come out of this trial stronger than you were before entering it.  With hard work, determination, and mutual grace, you will go from tolerating to adoring each other once again.

Kris JordanComment