Supporting Each Other's Dreams And Callings
For 25 years, my primary calling was to help my husband Joe fulfill his ministry to the poor. Although I had used my gifts of teaching God’s Word and apologetics sporadically, my focus was always directed at helping Joe accomplish His calling.
That dramatically changed in 2016.
For the first time in my life, the burdens and passions Jesus gave me for ministering to others with my gifts intensified beyond measure. They rose to such a level that I could no longer satisfy them “on the side.” God was calling me to do more.
I had never been led to fulfill “my own ministry” before, so this was foreign territory. But I knew Jesus was behind this powerful draw, and I needed to obey Him despite my unfamiliarity.
I sat Joe down and told him what I was sensing from the Lord. At first, he was a bit shaken by the shift it would bring to our 28-year partnership in our (current) ministry. But true to his Christlike character, he was super supportive of me and what Jesus called me to accomplish, even when it required sacrifices on his end.
Since that day, Joe has been my biggest supporter and encourager. He has done everything in his power to help me succeed in everything I have been called to achieve. Despite him having to make a huge mental shift from what “was” to what “is,” his ongoing support and backing has been nothing short of amazing.
Supporting each other’s dreams and callings is vitally important to your relationship's overall health and well-being. Championing for each other's godly pursuits fosters unity and provides the necessary support for strengthening your marriage bond.
What dream or calling does your spouse have? Are you supportive of their pursuits or fighting against them and resisting change? What are you willing to do today to show your support and encourage their endeavors?