When Clarity Turns To Confusion


If you had asked me four years ago how I would accomplish my calling, I would have given you a blank stare and shrugged my shoulders.

Prior to 2018, I had absolute clarity on my calling to teach God’s Word, which I usually fulfilled through in-person Bible studies and occasional retreats in various locations. But after my life took an unexpected turn in 2018—which required my husband and me to lead an additional ministry in a distant city—I was unsure how to fulfill my calling moving forward.

I had many grueling sessions of whining to Jesus about this detour that intercepted my future ministry plans. I also questioned everything I thought He had led me to do because “that plan” and “my new normal” were now incompatible from my perspective.

Ultimately and painstakingly, I surrendered my dreams and visions to Jesus. It was not easy to do when I knew Jesus had not revoked my calling. But I knew holding onto them and my accompanying frustration would not benefit me or further my calling.

Four years later, I clearly see that Jesus never put my calling on hold or intercepted it. He simply redirected the way I accomplished it, according to His purpose and timing for this new season of my life. As a result, He has allowed me to teach His Word and minister to more women than I ever did before, which is something I had longed for but could never accomplish on my own.

What about you? How has Jesus redirected or fulfilled your calling in ways that look different than what you anticipated or expected? I would love to hear about it so let me know in the comments.

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