Stepping Into The Unknown


Has Jesus called you outside your comfort zone to accomplish the next phase of His calling for you?  Does that incite a fear of the unknown? Believe me, I have been there multiple times, and it is scary every single instance!

Here are three truths that have helped me overcome my fears when called out of my comfort zone:

  1. Jesus’ motives are pure.

    When Jesus calls me out of my comfort zone, it is never to embarrass or humiliate me.  It is always to accomplish something good in me and others.

  2. Jesus’ objective is intentional.

    When Jesus calls me out of my comfort zone, it is because He cannot accomplish what He desires by keeping me comfortable.

  3. Jesus’ prep-work is sufficient.

    When Jesus calls me out of my comfort zone, it is because He has already prepared me well for what He is leading me to do. 

No doubt, our comfort zones are warm and cozy places.  But Jesus using us to the fullest measure requires us to step out by faith into the unknown at times, and trust Him “in the uncomfortable.”  He never promised it would be easy, but always promises to be with us each step of the way.

Is Jesus calling you out of your comfort zone? Do you need prayer because of it?

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