Like Warm Water Washing Over Me


“There’s a quill over you.  I keep seeing a quill.  I see you writing, just writing.  There’s a gift God has given you to take words and unwrap people from bondages.  You are going to unravel them so that their destiny becomes easy to walk in.  But I keep seeing a quill right over you.”

I had never met this person who was prophesying over me.  But in 2015, his words were like warm water washing over my soul.

Several years prior, I had put writing on the back burner while serving in ministry with my husband and raising our two children.  In more recent years, the Holy Spirit had been intensely stirring me to do “more,” but I did not know what “more” was or looked like.

As I heard the words of this prophecy, I was blessed and perplexed.  I knew I had the gift of writing, so it comforted me, knowing God wanted to use it for His glory.  But I could not wrap my head around what was said or how it would be accomplished.  My understanding was so finite; I could not see beyond the “here and now.” Honestly, it never once entered my mind that writing would play any significant or dominant role in my calling, even after what was spoken.

How wrong I was.

Four years after that prophecy, my writing took off in areas I never anticipated.  I was suddenly writing Bible studies, composing apologetics content, counseling broken women on social media platforms and through email, and ministering to atheists online.  My writing went from a casual, less-than-part-time hobby to an almost full-time ministry activity.

I still believe God has more for me to accomplish, and the full scope of that prophecy is yet to be fulfilled.  But I am savoring the process of all Jesus is doing and trusting Him to bring it all to fruition in His timing.

What things are you waiting on God to fulfill in and through your life?

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