Don't Give Up On Your Marriage
What happens when you or your spouse feel like abandoning your marriage?
Do you each panic?
Are you both elated?
No matter how difficult your marriage issues are, nothing is too difficult for God to fix. However, Satan desires to destroy you, your spouse, and your children personally and is using your marriage as his main point of attack to accomplish it. You cannot let him succeed!
That is why, during the tough times, you must gird yourselves up and fight for your relationship’s success.
Here are three ways to help you both not give up:
Remember your commitment.
The commitment you made to your marriage is the most powerful weapon against its destruction. It is what pulls you through the worst of times when love is buried beneath the pain. Lean on it!
Remember to communicate.
Arguing accomplishes nothing except pushing you further apart emotionally. Talking through your issues and listening to each other is the key to reconciliation. If necessary, seek professional help to guide you through the process.
Remember the “why.”
You entered into marriage with a heart full of love and excitement for your spouse and future together. Reflect on those times, praying for God’s help to reignite the “why” when it gets hard.
As I have said before, marriage is not easy. Even with the greatest spouses, marriage is full of hard work, difficulties, and seemingly insurmountable obstacles. That is why we must cling to the foundational components to help us navigate our most treacherous complications – especially when what we thought would get us through fell short.