Overcoming Frustrations Over What Jesus Allows


Do you ever get frustrated with Jesus for what He allows in your life? Maybe you have experienced a relationship rupture, personal tragedy, health or financial crisis, or debilitating situation, and it left you thinking, “Really, Lord?”

Or maybe you are struggling with your faith because what you thought would occur did not and what you never saw coming happened.

No matter what our frustrations with Jesus are about, they usually stem from our unrealistic expectations and assumptions of Him.  We all have ideas about what Jesus should do and not do and what He should allow and not allow.  When He does not follow protocol, we become frustrated.

Therefore, I want to help you turn your frustration back into faith by reminding you of these important truths:

  • Jesus does not operate according to our human mindset, logic, or criteria. 

    Isaiah 55:8-9 says, “‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,’ says the Lord.  ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.’”

  • Jesus is perfect in all His ways. 

    He is the epitome of good, righteous, and holy 100% of the time.  Everything Jesus does and allows in our lives is working together for our good.  (Romans 8:28.)

I know it is hard to keep frustration restrained at times because we are human.  But as believers, we are not called to trust Jesus if He meets or exceeds our expectations.  We are called to trust Him as the God He is and humbly submit our lives to Him and His will.

Do you need prayer today? Let me know in the comments.

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