A Day I Will Never Forget


I was lying on a cold, hard table for about 10 minutes, waiting for the radiologist to enter the room.

I was by myself and had just had an ultrasound to determine whether an abnormality was something of concern.  I was anticipating a good report, so I told my husband to stay home.

The woman who conducted the test was extremely quiet but took a very long time rescanning certain areas showing on the screen.  When she finished, she told me she needed the radiologist to review her findings and re-conduct the test.

That news was not a good sign.

When she left the room – suddenly – everything got very real.  As I lay there feeling vulnerable and facing what could potentially be a life-threatening diagnosis, I started talking to Jesus.

I surrendered myself and the situation to Him.  I told Him that if the news was not good, I needed Him to carry me through it.  I also said I trusted Him no matter the outcome and that my life belonged to Him—but I needed His strength and courage to tell my children if the outcome was...bad.

It was a bizarre feeling.  I felt alone but incredibly comforted at the same time.  I knew Jesus was with me, but the eeriness of feeling like a science project was a bit much for me.

When the radiologist arrived, he performed another ultrasound.  He told the technician, “borderline,” then told me I needed further testing.  It was not the news I had hoped for.

During that next month, the reality of “my life belongs to Jesus” soared to new heights.  I trusted Him like never before and knew I was His no matter the outcome.

What about you?  When did you realize your life was His and you needed Him like never before?

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