Called Out Of "Safety"
I still remember the first time God led me to do something totally out of my comfort zone. I was a 21-year-old newlywed living in Hong Kong who had only been saved about eight months.
Approximately one month into our marriage, my husband, Joe, and I took a taxi to “The Peak,” a hilltop tourist destination overlooking the city. The drive took about an hour and a half.
With me being a shy introvert who does not easily strike up conversations with strangers, my extroverted husband jumped right in. He started talking to our taxi driver, who quickly learned we were Christians from America. A few minutes into their discussion about spiritual matters, I began sharing my testimony with our new Chinese friend. As I spoke, I felt an immediate boldness come over me as the Holy Spirit’s anointing filled my soul. That is the only way I can describe it.
For the next hour, I shared the gospel with this man. I talked about Jesus, the cross, sin, and God’s gift of salvation. He asked me many questions and, no matter what they were, the Holy Spirit gave me the answers. It was powerful! I could literally feel God’s presence in the car and knew He was taking my words and using them to pierce this man’s heart.
Before I knew it, we had arrived at our destination. I could not believe how quickly time had flown. When the taxi driver pulled over to drop us off, I asked him if he wanted to receive Jesus Christ as His Lord and Savior. To my shock and surprise, he said, “Yes!” So, I led him in the sinner’s prayer – and that was the last time we ever saw him.
Since that day, over 32 years ago, Jesus has led me to do many things outside of my comfort zone. Sometimes, I feel His anointing like I did that day, and, other times, my words seem to “fall on deaf ears.” Sometimes He allows me to see the fruit of my labor, and other times He does not. Either way, we cannot base our obedience or judge God’s presence on whether we “feel Him there” or not. We must step out by faith to do the things He calls us to do, knowing He is with us and will use us for His glory (John 15:4-5; 1 Corinthians 12:4-13).
So, what is Jesus calling you to do that is out of your comfort zone?