Unified Marriages Are Not Accidental


When Joe and I said, “I do,” we dreamed of having the type of marriage each of our parents shared.  We wanted a united, incredibly close bond that would last a lifetime, but we knew it would not happen accidentally.  It required intentionality!

We made each other our number one priority and best friend, right after Jesus.  We talked in-depth daily or as often as possible.  We spent time together doing things we enjoyed.  We planned small, regular getaways to focus exclusively on each other.  Basically, we found ways to stay connected, build, and strengthen our relationship.

For over 32 years, Joe and I have remained committed to cultivating our united, close bond.  It has not always been easy, and we have had to overcome various sets of challenges.  But we managed to work through them all because we knew the lasting payoff would far exceed the temporary pain experienced. 

Do you want a closer, more unified marriage?  Start by committing to attaining it, then develop a realistic game-plan to help you achieve that goal.

It will not be easy, and your commitment will be challenged along the way.  But keep your focus on the end goal to help you endure the speedbumps.

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