Wanting To Be Like “That Godly Woman”


Have you ever wanted to be like “that godly woman” you see at church? The truth is: behind every woman who appears to have it all together, there have undoubtedly been years of stretching, growing, failing, learning, and relearning occurring behind the scenes. Those elements are part of what Jesus uses to develop godly character and nurture spiritual growth. But even then, nobody has it all together in every area, no matter how things appear.

Here are some things to help you grow spiritually into the godly woman God desires:

Do Not Focus on Falling.
Toddlers learning to walk do not think about falling.  They propel themselves forward by the sheer excitement of walking and being embraced by their mom’s outstretched arms.  As believers, we must walk with Jesus with the zeal and excitement of a little child, not focused on falling but fixated on the One who loves and called us to Himself.

Follow Jesus Every Day.
When Jesus was on the earth, His disciples followed Him daily.  They walked and talked with Him, listened to what He said, and obeyed His instructions.  As followers of Jesus, we need to do the same by praying, reading our Bible, and doing what God’s Word says.

Die to Yourself.
As followers of Jesus, we must willingly lay down our lives, submit to God’s will for us, and obey His directives instead of our desires.  1 Corinthians 5:15 says, “And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.”

Choose Friends Wisely.
Spending too much time with unsaved friends negatively affects our character and draws us away from Jesus.  Spending consistent, quality time with like-minded believers encourages our faith and promotes the forming of godly character.  1 Corinthians 15:33 says, “Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character.’” 

How do you become “that godly woman”? It occurs by realizing it is a process that begins with one godly decision followed by another and another.

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