When Ministry and Motherhood Callings Collide
I had worked in full-time ministry with my husband for almost ten years before our first child was born. Seven days after her arrival, we moved 125 miles away to a new city to birth a ministry to the poor. These major shifts created an unexpected dilemma in my heart.
I was confused and torn over what to do and how to prioritize my life. On the one hand, I knew Jesus called me to serve alongside my husband, who needed my help to accomplish this vast new undertaking. But on the other hand, He was calling me to care for my newborn daughter, who needed me around the clock.
Initially, I juggled my ministry and motherhood callings by accomplishing both simultaneously. But after our son was born and our ministry grew to include weekend and late evening activities, my ministry and motherhood callings collided.
I knew certain aspects of my ministry calling were incompatible with my young children’s needs. So, I had to prioritize one calling over the other. I knew it would not be an easy decision because my heart was in both places. But Jesus was putting my “family first” belief to the test, and I was unwilling to fail His exam.
It has been more than two decades since exercising my “family first” decision. In hindsight, it was one of the best choices I ever made because it helped show my children how valuable, significant, and worthy they were to me, my husband, and Jesus! Even with them now in their twenties and living independently, they still know they are the most cherished and treasured people in our lives above anyone or anything else but Jesus.
What about you? Do you practice “family first” in your ministry or calling, or is it a struggle? Let me know in the comments.